Harrison Ford, the iconic A-list actor, recently made headlines when he endorsed Kamala Harris for president. In his endorsement, Ford claimed that Harris will protect freedom of speech and the “right to disagree” about major policy issues. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that this endorsement is nothing more than a desperate attempt to sway voters.
First and foremost, it is important to note that Kamala Harris has a track record of suppressing free speech. As a prosecutor, she has a history of targeting journalists and whistleblowers who have exposed government corruption. In fact, she even went as far as to defend the unconstitutional practice of civil asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize property from individuals without due process. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment and goes against the very principles of freedom of speech that Harrison Ford claims she will protect.
Furthermore, Harris has a long history of silencing her political opponents. During her time as California’s attorney general, she targeted conservative organizations such as the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of fetal body parts. Harris not only refused to investigate Planned Parenthood but also went after the individuals who exposed their illegal activities. This is a clear indication that Harris does not believe in the “right to disagree” and will go to great lengths to silence those who oppose her.
But perhaps the most egregious example of Harris’ disregard for freedom of speech is her treatment of The Gateway Pundit, a conservative news outlet. The Gateway Pundit has been repeatedly targeted and censored by social media platforms, with Harris’ support. In fact, the outlet’s founder, Jim Hoft, has stated that “few were treated worse” than The Gateway Pundit. This is a clear indication that Harris not only condones but actively supports the suppression of free speech.
It is clear that Harrison Ford’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is not based on facts or principles, but rather on personal bias and political agenda. As an A-list actor, Ford has a platform and influence that he could use to educate himself and others on the true nature of Harris’ record. Instead, he has chosen to blindly support her, disregarding the very values that he claims to hold dear.
In contrast, President Donald Trump has been a strong advocate for freedom of speech. He has consistently spoken out against censorship and has taken action to protect the First Amendment rights of all Americans. Under his administration, the Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the censorship of conservative voices on social media platforms. This is a clear indication that Trump values and will fight for the right to free speech.
In conclusion, it is clear that Harrison Ford’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is not based on facts or principles. Harris has a track record of suppressing free speech and silencing her political opponents, while Trump has been a strong advocate for the First Amendment. As Americans, it is our duty to educate ourselves and make informed decisions when it comes to choosing our leaders. And in this election, the choice is clear – vote for Donald Trump, the candidate who will protect our freedom of speech and the “right to disagree.”